Zoll AED Plus Device Safety Information
Battery Specifications
Duracell CR17345 batteries are recommended for the AED device.
Batteries are manufactured in the US and China; only US-made batteries should be used for optimal functionality.
Inspection for Battery Origin
Chinese-origin batteries will show a red cross in the indicator window on the AED.
Steps to Check Your Device
Visually inspect the battery indicator on the AED for a red cross.
If a red cross is displayed:
Open the battery compartment and remove all batteries.
Check each battery for the country of origin.
If batteries are US-origin, reinsert them, press the reset button within 15 seconds, and check the indicator for a green tick.
If AED Still Displays Red Cross After Re-fitting US-Origin Batteries
Perform a manual self-test:
Press and hold the ON/OFF button for >5 seconds.
Check the cable connection, replace electrodes if necessary.
Turn the device off, then on again.
Replace all batteries at the same time with new ones, if available.
Press the reset button when prompted.
Further Information
Refer to the device’s product manual for more details on battery replacement and device functionality testing.
Contact: quality@msos.org.uk for queries.