by Randi Barry
Today we are speaking with Baker Manning – you might know her from her Season 5 appearance on the popular Bravo Series – Below Deck. She is also the author of a digital guide called The Yacht Job Handbook – an easy guide to help aspiring yachties to land their first job on a yacht.
Have you ever committed to a job and when you got there realized it wasn’t what you thought it would be? Should you quit or push through?
Baker shares with us her journey from disappointment to getting to enjoy the fruits of her labour and what it’s like to work on Below Deck.
Baker is also creating an educational online space of digital products geared towards crew called the Yacht Job Crewniversity. Keep up to date with her updates and to find out when it launches by giving her a follow on Instagram at @bakermanning87
Want to learn how to get A Job in Yachting?
GET 10% OFF The Yacht Job Handbook with code NAUTICNOMAD – Click Here to Enroll

Why you should be listening to Podcasts & Audible Books
Baker committed to a year onboard her first yacht. She didn’t know that it would mean getting holed up in Newport News Virginia for months on end, cleaning an already clean boat. Baker shares how she found motivation, inspiration and education through mundane tasks by listening to podcasts and audible books. She found the will to push on in her year-long commitment and see it out to the end by growing her knowledge and education while at work.
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Was Below Deck a Great Experience and would you do it again?
I have so many questions about Below Deck. Is it scripted? Do they make up story lines for you? Would you do it again? Take a listen to the podcast for Bakers answers.
To learn more about today’s guest check out