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Writer's pictureNautic Nomad

CISF 05/2023 URGENT SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Failure of “Side Boarding Ladders” attached to yacht hulls.

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The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry (CISR) recently reported a dangerous failure involving a side boarding ladder attached to a yacht’s hull. A crew member was using the ladder when it gave way, causing the person to fall onto the dock. Fortunately, the individual escaped serious injury, but a review of CCTV footage revealed how easily the accident could have resulted in life-threatening consequences.

Key Issues Identified:

  • Ladder Attachment Failure: The ladder was installed during the yacht's construction, but an inspection revealed critical flaws in its attachment. The mounting bolts were only secured into the hull's fairing compound and did not engage with the proper structural support, leading to the failure.

  • Non-compliance with Standards: The side boarding ladder did not meet the REG Yacht Code standards, particularly concerning the absence of intermediate rails or wires.

Safety Recommendations:

In light of this incident, the CISR issued urgent safety recommendations for all yachts with side boarding ladders attached to the hull:

  • Remove from Service: Side boarding ladders should be taken out of use until a thorough visual examination is conducted by a competent professional.

  • Examine Attachments: The examination must confirm that all attachments to the hull are secure and fit for purpose, including replacing or reinforcing any insufficient hardware.

  • Load Testing: Side boarding ladders should undergo the same examination and load testing as other yacht access equipment, with tests overseen by the vessel’s Class Society.

Future Standards:

The next revision of the REG Yacht Code will include stricter regulations for equipment like side boarding ladders, ensuring better safety protocols, even for ladders used infrequently. This incident highlights the importance of regular inspections and adherence to safety standards to prevent similar accidents.

Prompt reporting of such incidents is crucial to avoid serious injuries or fatalities in the future. Ensure that your yacht complies with all safety guidelines to protect crew members and guests.

Link to Safety Flyer below:


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